The use of design-build continues to grow rapidly nationwide. An increasing number of public agency solicitations are looking for teams with DBIA certified members. Are you positioned to be a part of this historic era in design-build’s history?
DBIA certification provides you the opportunity to prove your knowledge of Design-Build Done Right™ and expand your career as a design-build professional. Certification workshops are underway in cities from coast to coast. We urge you to check DBIA’s Certification Schedule and chose a workshop that fits for you. DBIA offers certification in design-build project delivery to members and non-members alike, including owners and practitioners across all sectors and specialties.
Are You Ready to Become a Design-Build Leader? If so, Register Today
Learn more about DBIA’s certification programs and education workshops, including company training and online courses, see our full schedule and register online at DBIA.ORG.
Questions? Email us at education@dbia.org.